1st – 5th of November | Porto
Embedded in the 5th edition of the festival O Meo Primeiro FITEI the last meeting of ConnectUp took place. During 2 days we had intense but joyful and playful evaluation sessions run by Chloe Osborne and Andrew Siddall, who led the Youth Enounter 2023.
After 5 challenging years, the pandemic hit us all hard right from the beginning, ConnectUp says goodbye. Despite the difficult circumstances we could accomplish our set goals such as numerous productions, projects and meetings. Highlighted here briefly the 2 successful TMP runs, the overseas activities, the two Youth Encounters, the successful launch of the ConnectAPP and finally the TMP handbook, freshly printed and delivered at the Porto meeting.
Thanks to every single individual who joined, followed and contributed this amazing 5-year long theatrical journey.