Certified teacher of Latin, Polish, history, culture and history and society. He was a student of The University of Warsaw (1994-2001 / Institute of Classical Philollogy). He graduated of post-graduate studies in the field of Knowledge about Culture at Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2003-2004). In 2014 he completed post-graduate studies in Polish Language and History organized by The Warsaw Family Alliance Institute of Higher Education in Poland. In the following years, he participated in numerous courses and workshops, such as “The Art of Education” organized by the Arsenal Gallery in Białystok, “Destination Imagination” program and tutoring course organized by Collegium Wratislaviense. He has experience in work with many primary and secondary schools in Białystok. He is a co-author of the concept of establishing and functioning of the EUREKA Young Master and Explorer Laboratory-an institution aimed at popularizing science in Białystok. Since March 2018, he is employed at the Białystok Puppet Theater as a specialist in theater education.