Born 1990 in Germany, lives in Vienna since 2010. Jana completed her bachelor and master studies at the University of Vienna in Theater, Film and Media Studies. Since 2017 she has been a trained drama and acting pedagogue, Institute of Applied Theatre and accompanied the following projects as an assistant director: among others “SCHATTEN (Eurydikesagt)” 2017, R: Sabine Mitterecker, “GROOVE” 2017 and “Die Sache mit Ich” 2018, R: Richard Schmetterer and “Blutsschwestern” 2015 and “Über uns nur der Himmel” 2018, R: Corinne Eckenstein. In addition, Jana led various theater courses for children and teenagers, including 2018 at the cultural association “gutgebrüllt”.
She currently works in the field of marketing, communication and art education at Dschungel Wien – theatre for young audiences.