Christine Schaunig

I have always been interested in arts and culture, I teach English, History and Drama at an Austrian grammar school/high school, have been teaching at this very school for the past 11 years and also have teaching experience both in the UK and Mexico, I speak English, German and Spanish fluently and spent some time in Spain, the UK and Mexico, in Spain as an Erasmus student, in the UK as a teaching assistant for German and in Mexico as a volunteer both teaching, working with kids, and working at a homeless shelter/soup kitchen.
My vision is to bridge the gap between education and culture and connect people who would usually not meet. I have completed a certificate course in Cultural Management at the Postgraduate Centre in January 2023 and I am currently training to become a community communicator with the city of Vienna. I also completed the leadership management course for schools in 2019/20 successfully, but am not planning to become a headmistress yet/in the near future.
I have worked in several fields before I became a teacher and always like to learn and grow and challenge myself because I believe this is the only way to be a good or rather an outstanding teacher.