The cultural and educational association „Ich bin O.K.“ has been in existence for over 40 years. We operate as a dance studio offering nineteen courses per week for more than 100 persons with disabilities (mostly intellectual). We create inclusive projects where our dancers have the opportunity to present themselves on stage together with dancers without a disability.
The more advanced dancers present their abilities in the frame of the “Ich bin O.K.–Dance Company”and, two years ago, underwent a one year vocational training to become “Dance Assists”. This means that these dancers with Down syndrome are entitled to assist the dance teacher(s) giving a class or leading a workshop in a school or other institution. Our existing cooperation partners so far are e.g. Gymnasium Theresianum Vienna, Evangelic Gymnasium, MUK–Musicand Arts University of the City of Vienna, various music schools of Vienna, and others. Asoutcome of these collaborations eight evening programs (e.g. “Flötenzauber”–an adaptation ofthe “Magic Flute” in 2019) emerged.
Further successful projects of the association had been realized with the ballet of the Vienna State Opera (e.g. opening and closing ceremony of SpecialOlympics Winter Games 2017) and with ImPulsTanz festival Vienna–performing and conducting workshops for many years.
Additionally, our leading team is active in giving workshops, performances, lectures and conference presentations about inclusive dance and inclusive dance pedagogy.
Short Info
- founded in 1979, as a dance company in 2010
- 5 permanent staff
- 17 freelanced teachers
- about 115 members in up to 19 courses
- one production per year with about 40 performance