Flute Magic
Tobias and Paula, two young people living with disabilities, are involved in the production of “The Magic Flute” as a dance theatre piece. The two of them identify particularly with the roles of Prince Tamino and Princess Pamina. They too often feel trapped, duped and have to show courage. But through the power of love everything seems to succeed. Reality and play intertwine more and more and the (flute) magic of the famous opera, spreads over the lives of the two protagonists.
Short Info
Age: 8+
Direction Team
Directed by Hana Zanin Pauknerová
Choreography: „Ich bin O.K.“-tutors
Dramaturgy: Stephan Lack
Music concept: Stefan Voglsinger
Sopran: Angelia Niakan
Musicians: Markus Schneider, Andreas Hellweger, Naomi Luther, Laura Stropp
Stage Design: Osvaldo Alvarez Hernandez, Attila Zanin
Costumes: Stephanie von Thun-Hohenstein
With over 110 dancers with and without handicap of the “I am O.K.”- Dance studios, students of the Thereasian Academy and from the Komensky School Association, students of the MUK Private University, the Vitalakademie and the Dance Education Vienna.