Bus 57 – A True Story

Bus 57 – A True Story

Play based on the novel of the same name by Dashka Slater
German by Ann Lecker
Stage version by Kerstin Weiß |world-premiere

Sasha and Richard – two young people whose worlds have nothing to do with each other. Sasha is white, comes from a sheltered family, goes to a private school and defines himself as agender.
Richard is African American, has just come out of a residential group for supervised juvenile offenders and is having trouble at school. Both are only connected by the route with bus route 57. Until one day Richard sets Sasha’s rock on fire when he/she fell asleep on the bus. Suddenly the two are united by a whole fate.

Schoolchildren in rural areas in particular find it difficult to gain access to cultural education, they are often confronted with the feeling of a lack of prospects and are concerned with the question of how their future will be shaped. It is therefore important to promote encounters with people and their stories, especially in rural areas. That is the task of the mobile theatre of the Landesbühnen Sachsen: to bring the encounter with the new, the unknown, the different perspective to the people.

BUS 57 gives the opportunity to get to the bottom of many questions in the encounter with two very different people. To what extent does one’s origins influence a person's future or their decisions and the paths they take. How do I want to meet other people? What makes a change of perspective possible?

The question of the development of resilience is particularly important in the current period of constant transformation. And here, as part of cultural education, theatre can provide space with its
stories and the way they are dealt with, to confront oneself and one's own reality of life and to
rethink the world.

Short Info

Premiere 13.11.2021

link to the theatre

Direction Team

Direction: Monique Hamelmann
Dramaturgy and stage version: Kerstin Weiß
Set designer Stephanie Zurstegge
Choreography Tuan Ly


Julia Rani, Justin V. John, Moritz Gabriel, Tuan Ly, Kofi Dansu Wahlen